
Home > assistive-playwright-client > VMMouse > move

VMMouse.move() method

Moves the mouse to the specified position, expressed either as coordinates in the viewport (relative to the top-left corner), or coordinates relative to the center of the DOM element passed as origin in the options.


move(x: number, y: number, options?: {
        steps?: number | undefined;
        origin?: ElementHandle<HTMLElement | SVGElement> | null;
    }): Promise<void>;


Parameter Type Description
x number horizontal destination position of the mouse in pixels
y number vertical destination position of the mouse in pixels
options { steps?: number | undefined; origin?: ElementHandle<HTMLElement | SVGElement> | null; } steps: number of steps to use when moving the mouse from its current position to the destination, defaults to 1 origin: DOM element whose center is the origin of the coordinates passed in x and y. If null or undefined, the coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the viewport.

