Where web widgets shine.

Perfected open-source widget libraries

  • Configurable Typescript widget factories
  • Headless wrappers for Angular, React and Svelte
  • Bootstrap-compliant ready-to-use widgets for Angular, React and Svelte.
Get started with
Framework agnostic

A framework-agnostic core of widget factories that provide reactive models and APIs to drive the data. You can use it with any front-end framework.

Headless widgets

Each widget is provided in headless mode in Angular, React and Svelte using the same factory. You can use them with any front-end CSS framework.


Widgets are provided for Angular, React and Svelte with the exact same markup and functionalities.


Widgets are designed with a strong emphasis on accessibility and tested for it

Highly configurable

Default values for all widgets props are configurable at any point of the application subtree.

Fully tested

Unit tests for headless with Vitest. E2e tests for adapters with Playwright.

Bootstrap widgets

Highly customizable Bootstrap CSS widgets are available for Angular, React and Svelte in separated packages.

Released under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2023 - present Amadeus