
Home > assistive-playwright-client > ScreenReaderClient

ScreenReaderClient class

Class giving access to messages from the screen reader. It is a simple wrapper around websocket that stores each incoming message and gives utility functions to wait for specific messages to come.


export declare class ScreenReaderClient 


Property Modifiers Type Description
connected   boolean Whether the websocket object is still connected.
messages   string[] Array of stored messages. Messages are added to this array as soon as they arrive on the websocket, and can be removed by ScreenReaderClient.clearMessages() and ScreenReaderClient.waitForMessage().
socket   Websocket Websocket object from which messages are received.


Method Modifiers Description
clearMessages()   Empties the messages array and returns its previous content.
create(url) static Connects to a websocket url and returns a corresponding instance of ScreenReaderClient as soon as it is connected.
disconnect()   Disconnects the underlying websocket, thus preventing any further message from being received.
off(event, listener)   Unregisters a listener for the given event.
on(event, listener)   Registers a listener for the message event, that will be called each time a message is received from the screen reader.
on(event, listener)   Registers a listener for the error event, that will be called if an error happens in the connection with the screen reader.
on(event, listener)   Registers a listener for the close event, that will be called when the connection to the screen reader is closed
once(event, listener)   Registers a one-time listener for the message event, that will be called the next time a message is received from the screen reader.
once(event, listener)   Registers a one-time listener for the error event, that will be called if an error happens in the connection with the screen reader.
once(event, listener)   Registers a one-time listener for the close event, that will be called when the connection to the screen reader is closed
waitForMessage(expectedText, options)   Waits for a specific message from the screen reader.
waitForMessageCondition(condition, options)   Execute the condition function on each received message until it returns a truthy value or the specified timeout occurs. If there is a timeout, the promise returned by this function is rejected.